Meniscus Tears
Mr Deepu Sethi is an expert orthopaedic knee surgeon specialising in the treatment of meniscus tears, in London. He uses cutting-edge techniques, including meniscus repair surgery, to restore function and alleviate pain, allowing faster recovery.
Do I need surgery if I have a torn meniscus?
The majority of meniscus tears can be treated without surgery. But some by benefit from surgery by being repaired and restoring function of the meniscus.
What is the treatment for a meniscal tear?
Many people can be treated successfully with physiotherapy and sometimes an injection into the knee. Others may require surgery to repair or trim the torn meniscus cartilage.
Can a meniscus tear be repaired?
In more recent years there has been increased focus on trying to repair and restore function of the torn meniscus. However, the meniscus has a poor blood supply and therefore it may not always be possible to repair the meniscus.
Can my meniscus tear be repaired?
Many factors can determine whether a meniscus can be repaired, this includes the pattern of the tear, location of the tear, age of the injury and age of the patient. Even with a MRI scan, it is not always easy to determine whether a meniscus can be repaired and sometimes you only know at the time of surgery.

How do I know if I have torn a meniscus?
You would normal experience pain localised on one side of the knee. You may also experience symptoms of swelling, clicking or catching in the knee. Symptoms are often made worse by twisting or squating activities.
What should I do if I have torn a meniscus?
It is important to get a clear diagnosis. This would involve an initial consultation with Mr Sethi who would examine your knee. Often from a history and examination, the diagnosis can be made. But a MRI scan is often required to confirm the diagnosis.
What does meniscus surgery involve?
Meniscus surgery is performed via keyhole surgery (knee arthroscopy). A camera is put into the knee and the meniscus is assessed. If possible, the meniscus is repaired with special stiches. If the meniscus cannot be repaired, it is usually trimmed.
How long does it take to recover from surgery?
Normally surgery is carried out general anaesthetic (so you are asleep) and as a daycase, so you can go home on the same day as surgery. If the meniscus is repaired, you maybe kept on crutches for up to 6 weeks to allow the meniscus to heal. If the meniscus is trimmed, you would need crutches for a a few days.
What is the meniscus?
There are two rings of cartilage on either side of the knee called the meniscus / menisci. They are called the "medial" and "lateral" meniscus.
What does the meniscus do?
The meniscus acts as a shock absorber in the knee, absorbing load during daily activities and also more rigorous activities, such as when running or playing sport. The meniscus also have an important function in supporting and providing stability to the knee.
How do you tear a meniscus?
Meniscus tears are very common. They can occur after a specific injury or sometimes, more commonly, they occur without an obvious cause. When there is no obvious cause, the tear can be a sign of early wear or degeneration in the knee